Source from CNN
8th June 2012
After Friday congregation, at about 2 pm. while a group of Muslims were trying to join a payer at Kayandan Islamic propagation centre (Tabligh Centre) for those 10 Muslims who were murdered by Rakhine extremists at Taunggup on 3 June 2011, the security forces tried to stop them and then started firing at the crowd killing at least two people and injuring many others.
At 2:30 p.m. two young Rohingyas who were returning home after Friday prayer from Maungdaw Central Mosque were seriously beaten by police. One of them whose hand was broken was released after sometime while the other who received head injury was still in police custody. His condition is still unknown.

After Friday congregation, at about 2 pm. while a group of Muslims were trying to join a payer at Kayandan Islamic propagation centre (Tabligh Centre) for those 10 Muslims who were murdered by Rakhine extremists at Taunggup on 3 June 2011, the security forces tried to stop them and then started firing at the crowd killing at least two people and injuring many others.
At 2:30 p.m. two young Rohingyas who were returning home after Friday prayer from Maungdaw Central Mosque were seriously beaten by police. One of them whose hand was broken was released after sometime while the other who received head injury was still in police custody. His condition is still unknown.
(the dead body of Rohingya)
9 June 2012:
Armed security forces with Rakhine extremist equipped with lethal arms were roaming Maungdaw towns and surrounding villages. This morning 4 Rohingyas were carried away from Fayazi village of Maungdaw. Their whereabouts is known.
According to a report, “Nasaka security forces and police are the killers. The Rakhine extremists joined them and reining hell on Rohingya. Because of the curfew no one dares to go out, and at the absence of witness Rakhine extremists set fire on houses, village after village. If anyone comes out from the fire, he/she gets a bullet or two or more. No witness, no proof. Natala villagers and Rakhine extremists have been supplied guns as well, but no one may prove it. In the mean time, racist monks are busy with media supplying fabricated news. These tragic events have been well planned in advance.”
At midnight (8/6/12) the Hlun Htein forces from Ngakura village accompanied by the extremists from the Rakhine village of San Oo Rwa (Hatipra) attacked the Rohingya villagers of the same village killing one person injuring 3 others. The dead body was carried away by the killers.
Last night groups of armed forces with Buddhist Rakhine extremists went to the Rohingya villages. They opened fire to the Muslim houses. When the inmates left their homes the Rakhine extremists set on fire. Many houses in several villagers have been reported burnt into ashes. Many people were killed and several others injured. The villages of Hatalia, Sommonia, Razarbil, Kayandan and San Oo are among those which were attacked.
Since yesterday the Buddhist monks and Rakhine extremists escorted by security forces were announcing ‘War on Kalas, (war on Rohingyas) along the street of Maungdaw. This message was spread like a wild fire all over Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships.
Many security forces dressed in civil clothes but with arms are firing the Rohingyas.
An estimated 100 Rohingyas were killed. As dead bodies were not handed over to the relatives or villagers. Exact number of death could not be confirmed. Some estimate that the number of death could exceed 200 Rohingyas.
Hundreds of injured Rohingyas are lack of treatment. Thousands of people were deprived of food and water as Police, military, and Hlon Htin block them.
At about 12: 25 P.M. Deputy Home Minister accompanied by U Aung Zaw Win (USDP- MP) arrived at Maungdaw. They are reportedly discussing with local leaders on the situation. The details of the discussion are still not known.
According to a report, “Nasaka security forces and police are the killers. The Rakhine extremists joined them and reining hell on Rohingya. Because of the curfew no one dares to go out, and at the absence of witness Rakhine extremists set fire on houses, village after village. If anyone comes out from the fire, he/she gets a bullet or two or more. No witness, no proof. Natala villagers and Rakhine extremists have been supplied guns as well, but no one may prove it. In the mean time, racist monks are busy with media supplying fabricated news. These tragic events have been well planned in advance.”
At midnight (8/6/12) the Hlun Htein forces from Ngakura village accompanied by the extremists from the Rakhine village of San Oo Rwa (Hatipra) attacked the Rohingya villagers of the same village killing one person injuring 3 others. The dead body was carried away by the killers.
Last night groups of armed forces with Buddhist Rakhine extremists went to the Rohingya villages. They opened fire to the Muslim houses. When the inmates left their homes the Rakhine extremists set on fire. Many houses in several villagers have been reported burnt into ashes. Many people were killed and several others injured. The villages of Hatalia, Sommonia, Razarbil, Kayandan and San Oo are among those which were attacked.
Since yesterday the Buddhist monks and Rakhine extremists escorted by security forces were announcing ‘War on Kalas, (war on Rohingyas) along the street of Maungdaw. This message was spread like a wild fire all over Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships.
Many security forces dressed in civil clothes but with arms are firing the Rohingyas.
An estimated 100 Rohingyas were killed. As dead bodies were not handed over to the relatives or villagers. Exact number of death could not be confirmed. Some estimate that the number of death could exceed 200 Rohingyas.
Hundreds of injured Rohingyas are lack of treatment. Thousands of people were deprived of food and water as Police, military, and Hlon Htin block them.
At about 12: 25 P.M. Deputy Home Minister accompanied by U Aung Zaw Win (USDP- MP) arrived at Maungdaw. They are reportedly discussing with local leaders on the situation. The details of the discussion are still not known.
Peaceful demonstration in Maungdaw, several Rohingya killed, many severely injuredReported by BRAT
In relation to the massacre of 10 Muslim pilgrims in Taung-goup on 3rd June, Rohingya in Maugdaw held a special prayer for their departed souls, and later they staged a peaceful demonstration on June 8th.
Local Rakhine-mogh provoked the demonstrators with verbal abuse using racial slur “Ku-lar” and swearing. Soon, security forces started firing into the air as a warning, and shortly after, firing aim turned to the crowd. Two young men died on the spot while a dozen or more severely injured.
Starting from the evening, the authority imposed curfew in Maungdaw from 6:00pm to 6:00am under the resolution 144. This biased resolution has been imposed on Rohingya only so that Rakhine-mogh can go out freely to loot and destroy the properties belongs Rohigya.
Local Rakhine-moghs join the security forces, Nasaka, Hlun-tin and police to rampage Rohingya. Within the curfew period, while Rohingya are inside their houses, security forces and Rakhine-mogh set fire on houses from Ward to Ward and village to village. Whenever people run out of houses that are on fire, they are being shot, and if dead, carried away by trucks of security. An unknown number Rohingya have been burnt inside the houses. Therefore, there’s no way to concretely say how many people are being killed in that way.
(houses burning in the present of security forces)
So far escalated a few names of Rohingyans identities are as follow:
Two people from Khasar Bil, age 25 and 27
Two boys from Khainda Fara, age 10 and 12
Two people from Hati Fara: Molvi Mohammed Salim s/o Lalu, age 29, and
Mohamed Zubair s/o Mustak, age 35
Two people from Khasar Bil, age 25 and 27
Two boys from Khainda Fara, age 10 and 12
Two people from Hati Fara: Molvi Mohammed Salim s/o Lalu, age 29, and
Mohamed Zubair s/o Mustak, age 35
In Ward- 5, near the old jail, security forces along with Rakhine-mogh killed 2 Rohinygas at around 9:15pm. They are Mohammed Rafique s/o Mohammed Yousuf age 25 from Bomu Para and Molvi Habib Ullah age 42 from Khazir Bil.
(the whole Rohingya villages buring down)
At least one Mosque at Ward -5 and the house of former NDPHR MP Faisal is confirmed burnt.
Three houses of Razak, Lalu and a firewood trader, were set on fire in Ward-5 at about 4:00 pm by Rakhine-mogh in the present of security forces. When Rohingya rushed to the spot, the security force barred them by shooting.
At least one Mosque at Ward -5 and the house of former NDPHR MP Faisal is confirmed burnt.
Three houses of Razak, Lalu and a firewood trader, were set on fire in Ward-5 at about 4:00 pm by Rakhine-mogh in the present of security forces. When Rohingya rushed to the spot, the security force barred them by shooting.
You may find a few pictures of burning houses that belong to Rohingya and scenes of Rohingya running in dismay. Houses are set on fire in many villages and there’s no way to estimate as the curfew order is in effect on Rohingya. In the meantime, Rakhine-mogh have been looting and destroying the properties of Rohingya with the help of security forces. This appears to be a coordinated assault planned in advance by the State Government in consultation with the Federal government.
At night’s fall, people are scared but nowhere to take shelter. Many Rohingya are already homeless and running aimlessly seeking for protection, unfortunately, the government that was supposed to protect them is hunting them.
In Akyab/Sittwe city of Arakan, it's just came to know that many people in Nazi Fara, Akyab, have been attacked and killed by Rakhine-mogh backed by the security forces. Many houses are set on fire and Rohingya are killed. Shafi was attacked and houses near there were burnt down. All the telecommunication with Akyab has been cut off.
On the night of 4 June, a large group of Rakhine people approached to destroyed an ancient Foktoli mosque of Nazi villages but it was broke away by security forces after Rohingyan villagers came out to confront with them.
In the meantime, fabricated news is publicized widely by the State Controled Media, and the media around world copied them and re-circulated. Please take a note that the reality is the complete opposite of what has been taking place in Arakan.
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