Sunday, 30 August 2009

BRAT open letter to NDF

Source from burmadigest, 29 Aug 2009

To : The President
National Democratic Front of Union of Burma
P.O. Box – (101) , Maesod, Tak. 63110,

Dear Mr. President and Secretary General,

Subject: Burma democratic activities with deliberate exclusion of Rohingyas.

I kindly like to draw your attention with reference to the above subject. My name is Enayet Ullah, a Rohingya activist for restoration of genuine democracy in Burma and I presently reside in Thailand. I service under the name of Burmese Rohingya Association in Thailand (BRAT) since its inception in 2000.

It is really regretting to experience that most of the exiled Burma democratic movements have architected a policy of “Total Exclusion of Rohingya” from any democratic activities which is very identical with the military regime. It is really surprising that those organizations namely NCGUB, NCUB, ENC, etc who have been working to remove a regime of barbarity and brutality are seemed close allies of SPDC while deal with Rohingya.

Those activities amply reflect that you are striving not for genuine democracy in Burma rather military democracy with the slogan of human rights and dignity to gain support from democratic nations. Your ultra-attitude against minority Rohingya of Arakan is very doubtful and unacceptable that covertly supports the continuous operations of military junta to exterminate the generation of Rohingya from their home and hearth.
The history has revealed that Rohingya has actively participated in every election as a nation in Burma since its independence from British in 1948. They have had elective representatives, assembly representatives, legislative representatives, cabinet members and holding ministry post in every democratic government of Burma before military coup led by late general New Win. As such the elimination policy by exiled democratic parties is racially oriented and further disputable.

I therefore earnestly request to discontinue marginalization and reconsider invitation and participation of Rohingya in activities that aimed for democracy like other minorities and ethnicities whereby Rohingya are greatly contributing forces in restoration of democracy in Burma.

With highest regard,

Sincerely yours,
Enayat Ullah (General Secretary, Mobile No. 084-0263144 )
Burmese Rohingya Association in Thailand (BRAT)

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