Sunday, 8 July 2012

Update from Arakan state

Source from NDPHR(exile),

....................In Kyauktaw township.................

8 July

Mr Rofiq, head of Rohingya committee-ERCA based Malaysia confirmed that Sanghadaung mosque was completely demolished by afternoon despite it was not demolished during all of the houses were burnt down on 16 June.

He also confirmed that at around 11:pm, 7 Rohingya villager of Kansi Fara (Wakang Group) who went to plough in their farming were brutally beaten-up by a group of Rakhines and their cattle and tools were also looted. They were told that nothing is belong to foreigner and refugees should go back Bangladesh.

7 July

According to Rohingya organization-BROUK based in UK, another boat load of 65 Rohingya people sank in Kaladan River while coming from Pauktaw to Sittwe. Well known Rohingya Lecturer from Sittwe University including Daw Khin Shwe, her son and the boat owner Mr Shukkur were dead. The dead bodies were found (unconfirmed). The other 8 boats are still waiting because of turbulent weather condition. All of the boat people are lack of food and heading for Thakkaybyin (Sakki Fara) Village of Sittwe as they heard aid is providing there.

8 July
Evening: A group of Rohingya pilgrims who were returning to own village of Kyein Chaung (Bolibazzar) were arrested by Na-Sa-Ka. Witness said that they were 7 to 9 men and authority found a memory card from one of them.


At least 300 Rohingyas who were arrested from Maungdaw and Buthidaung Townships last week were taken from Buthidaung Jail to Akyab(Sittwe) by boat. The Rohingyas from Maungdaw cannot go out of their houses to buy food. During last few days at least 43 people died (Confirmed) due to lack of food, shelter and medicine.

Kaladan Press news:
5 Rohingyans were arrested by Na-Sa-Ka. They are;
Hafez Salim with other three Rohingya from Ashika Fara were arrested at 21:00pm of today after checking the family list.
Mohamed Alam-35 s/o Mohamed Ismail was arrested three days ago and severely tortured in Nasaka area No.(6) as a result of he was unable to pay the Nasaka demand money 2.5 millions Kyat for release.

Again on 6 July, 15 of family lists from Balu Khali village and Wark Pyin village (the Pawet Chaung village tract) of Nasaka area No.(5), were taken away by Nasaka with false accusation of involvement in setting fire of Rakhine village in the past riot. The villagers were asked to choose the family lists within five days with money. The villagers have to pay at least Kyat 500,000 to one million per list. When the list are import to prove that they are people of that village.

In Maungdaw Town, the police officer U Than Tin, U Thai Lin Soe and Sergeant U Hla Myint accompanied by some Rakhine youths went to the Rohingya villages and asked to meet with them to pay money otherwise, they will set fire the houses.  This group is led by U Than Tin, the police officer of Maungdaw town police station who boasted he is above the law and no one is there to punish him. He asked money from one villager at least 5,000 to 10,000. He actively participated in the recent violence including looting goods and money and extortion money by arresting.

Rohingya Blogger:
At around 11:30 pm of 7 July: A joint group of military, police and Rakhines in military uniforms went to Hashif village and raped many Rohingya girls. Subsequently, 14 Rohingya girls died.

"NaSaKa in Prampuru (Faerumfur) village of Maungdaw are demanding 500,000 Kyats per head to release the people arrested in these days. They are threatening that they will kill all detainee if the remaining members of respective families cannot fulfill their demand".

On July 6: A Rohingya man from Quarter-2 (Haarifara village) was arrested, beaten and tortured almost to death by police. Then police threw him at a place near to Hindu village Quarter-4 thought that he already died. Fortunately, he remained alive and was found by some people.
A Rohingya man was arrested from Bohmuu village by police and taken to unknown location. His family members are extremely worried about what has been being happened with him.
"Three trucks loaded with police, military and security forces tried to raid Maung Ni village again. Since people had already known about the raid, people in the village could escape to the nearby villages.
Military and NaSaKa in Bagonna and Nurulla villages are constantly threatening the villagers if they don't fulfill their demands such as money, rations, cattle and so on. Many houses were looted. The people in the villages are living under continuous fear of being killed as most of them are facing difficulties to fulfill the demands.

.....................Mrauk-U township.......................

7 July
Following the report of Rohingya organization-BROUK based in UK, military officials asked all Rohingya villagers from all villages to be gathered in one place. Local villagers have raised their voices why they should have to concentrate in one place. The villagers have strongly raised their voice that they cannot gather in one place because they all owned farmland, cattle, houses and other immovable properties. The villagers are worrying what will happen to them in the next days.

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