UN expert on Myanmar calls on Government to clarify reports of clashes in northern Rakhine State
(17 January 2014)

The United Nations Special Rapporteur
on the human rights situation in Myanmar, Tomás Ojea Quintana, today
urged the country’s authorities to investigate and clarify reports about
violent clashes between security forces
and Rohingya Muslim residents in Du Chee Yar Tan village in Maungdaw,
Rakhine State. “I urge the Government to clarify what has happened.
Quick and transparent action can help to prevent further violence,” Mr.
Ojea Quintana said. “If deaths and injuries have occurred, the Myanmar
Government must, under international law,
conduct a prompt, effective and impartial investigation and hold the
perpetrators of any human rights violations to account.” The human
rights expert has received reports of Rohingya Muslims being killed and
injured as well as a security official being killed following a security
operation in the village in Maungdaw, and of Rohingya men, women and children
being arrested following the clashes. “Myanmar authorities must respect
the due process rights of anyone arrested and detained, which includes
access to legal counsel, and address the specific risks faced by women
and children in detention,” he said.
“Given the previous concerns I have
raised about torture and ill-treatment of persons in detention in
Maungdaw, I urge the authorities to provide access to independent
monitoring groups to assess the treatment of those being detained,” the
Special Rapporteur stressed. In his last report* to the UN General
Assembly, Mr. Ojea Quintana highlighted the seriousness of the human
rights situation in Rakhine State, which was posing one of the most
serious threats to the reform process. Mr. Tomás Ojea Quintana
(Argentina) was appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council
in May 2008.
As Special Rapporteur, he is independent from any
government or organization and serves in his individual capacity. He has
worked at the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. He was also
the Executive Director of the OHCHR Programme for Protection and
Promotion of Human Rights in Bolivia. Most recently, Mr. Ojea Quintana
has represented the Argentinean NGO “Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo” in cases
concerning child abduction during the military régime. Learn more, log
on to: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/SP/CountriesMandates/MM/Pages/SRMyanmar.aspx (*) Read the Special Rapporteur final report to the UN General Assembly (October 2013): http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Countries/MM/A-68-397_en.pdf UN Human Rights, country page – Myanmar: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/countries/AsiaRegion/Pages/MMIndex.aspx
For more information and media requests, please contact Daniel Collinge
(+41 22 928 9173 / dcollinge@ohchr.org) For media inquiries related to
other UN independent experts: Xabier Celaya, UN Human Rights – Media
Unit (+ 41 22 917 9383 / xcelaya@ohchr.org) UN Human Rights, follow us
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