About 1000 Rohingyas including men, women and children from
Rathedaung Township of Arakan state in Burma fled their villages one week ago
and tried to cross to Maungdaw Township through a mountain pass east of Andang
village ( Innding in Burmese) in Maungdaw. But they were blocked by the
security forces inside deep forest, not allowing to come out to either side
of the mountain pass. They are now in critical situation as there is not enough
food, medicine and lack of protection from monsoon rain. Urgent attention is
needed for those dying people.
Most of the above-mentioned people are from the Anauk Pyin
Village of Rathedaung Township. The village is surrounded by Rakhine villages.
They are the most suffered people from the Rathedaung Township. Over one hundred young boys and men were
detained, severely tortured by both security forces and Rakhine gang and put in
prison. Many of the villagers fled from their homes.
Later, some security forces were assigned to guard and
harass the villagers. They are now systematically looting and raping the
villagers. The villagers are not allowed to possess knives, lighters or even
matches. Every night about 10 to 15 girls are picked up from their houses and
gang raped by both security forces and Rakhine gangsters in a school.
International monitors and independent media are urgently
needed to uncover the ongoing atrocities and prevent such thing in the future.
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