Rakhine gangs involving a few monks begin crossing into Aungmingala village and shouting to leave the remaining muslim from their homes in good time.
Lawyer Kyaw Hla Aung, the nominee MP of 1990 for Sittwe who is also a senior staff of MSF, is not yet released despite the government replied during Quintana visit that he has been released along with some political prisoners including Phyo Wai Aung who was sentenced to death.
Myebon town
In Myebon town, the muslims live in only two villages known as Alay Baine Quarter in central area and Taungbaw Rwa (mountain village) and most of them are Kamans and Rakhine muslims.
Four muslim houses in Alay Baine Quarter have been destructed by a group of Rakhine on 7 Aug.
From the beginning, the local Rakhine village head and its secretary are trying to prevent any attacks against muslims. It was uncontrollable in some points after some outsider Rakhine people came from different areas are organizing local Rakhine people to launch attacks from 5 Aug.
Kyauktaw town
Yesterday on 7 Aug, the shelter-less Rohingya villagers of Ambari have been surrounded and attacked by Rakhine people after heard of foods supply coming for shelter-less Rohingya villagers.
Foeyda village and PaiketayYat (Fishing village) have been surrounded by Rakhines from 5 Aug and subsequent attacks taking place.
Unreported news of Pauktaw town (Rohingya live in 18 villages)
From the beginning of violence, Rohingyas in all villages have been under attacks. Of them, five Rohingya villages have been heavily attacked and totally destructed by fires. They are PaiketayYat (Fishing village), Rwa Thit (Noaya Fara), Seysudaine, Quarter-4 (Furun Fara), and Quarter-3. The shelter-less Rohingyas plus Kamans and Rakhine muslims in these regions do not received any food or aid. Their situation was not even reported.
The sources confirmed that there were at least 1 to 3 Rohingyas died in other villages which are still under attacks and surrounded by Rakhine and local police forces. The death toll for the Pauktaw town estimates around a thousand comprising the Rohingya, Kamans and Rakhine muslims.
More details about the five villages which were heavily attacked and all the houses were totally burnt down, are;-
PaiketayYat (Fishing village) and Rwa Thit (Noaya Fara), were firstly attacked from 8 June and all Rohingya houses about 100 were totally burnt down. Despite the survivor villagers estimate the death toll at least 30 Rohingyas, half of the villagers missing are never found.
There were about 120 Rohingya houses in Saysudaine village and estimated about 700 people. The villagers have been attacked similarly from 8 June. At least 100 people died in the attacks and most of the rest escaped from the village were recaptured by Rakhine people. Additionally on 10 July, police forces jointly with Rakhine people selectively chose out the 32 Rohingya elders from where they are temporarily gathered and brutally beaten to death in front the villgers. In this manner, now only around 100 villagers left and all of the rest are believed to be killed.
The Quarter(4) @ Furun Fara, estimated about 2,500 Rohingyas, had been attacked by Rakhine people on 10 June and 5 Rohingyas dead.
The Quarter(3) consisted about 50 Rohingya houses, had been attacked by Rakhine people on 23 July. A few of those died in the attacks were escalated as; the two brother- Dil Mohamad-35 and Sultan Amin-25 s/o Chicha Alam, Nor Mohamed-25 s/o Sultan Ahmed, and Karlarya-15 s/o Abdul Sidik.
Maungdaw town
7 Aug (KPN): Police and Nasaka personnel raided Ward number-2 (Fayazi para) at night without informing to the villagers to check the family lists yesterday night at about 10:00pm. When the Police and Nasaka personnel entered to the village, all the male are run away from the village and the security forces loot the Rohingyas’ house, according to a villager. “The security forces also toke the family list when they didn’t get all the family members.”
Yesterday at night, a group of police accompanied by Rakhine youths led by police officer U Kyaw Than went to Bhumu Para and seized some of family lists and asked the villagers to choose it after paying money, the next day. When the police went to the village, male villagers ran away for fear of arrest leaving their women. Taking this advantage, the police assaulted the women. Police become hero in Maungdaw town as government lets them to commit any crimes against the Rohingya community. Every day, police hareaaas, loot Rohingya people who go to market to buy somewhere else.
Moreover, yesterday, at about 3:00 pm, the Nasaka personnel of Nasaka area No.(6) arrested two Rohingya youths –Abdullah-25 s/o Kamal Hussain and Zubair-21 s/o Mohamed Hussain while they were walking on the road. They are still detained in the camp.
In addition, Maulana Mohamed-60 and Mohamed Alam-32, both are from Paung Zaar village, were arrested by Nasaka personnel of Nasaka area No.(6), yesterday, at about 4:30 pm, from Darga Bazar only for extorting money.
Abul Hussein-25 s/o Mohamed Hussain, hailed from Dura bill village of Nasaka area No.(6) under the Maungdaw Township was killed on July 25, in the Maungdaw police custody. He was arrested by Nasaka (Burma’s border security force) on July 10, without any fault and brought to the local Nasaka camp where he was severely tortured. Before one week of his death, the Nasaka offered to the victim’s father to pay Kyat 2.5 million for his release. When the father met his son Abul Hussain, he asked his father not to pay money as he will die soon, not misuse the money. The next day, he was sent to Maungdaw police station, where he was dead after three days later. Being informed, father went to the police station and asked to hand over the dead body, so he was ruthlessly kicked by the police.
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