Government authorities in Sagain division’s Monywa
district have warned locals to shut down new rally camps set up last
week to protest against the expansion of the Latpadaung Copper Mining
On 12 December, local activists established two new protest sites after local police launched a pre-dawn assault on the former camps in late November, which left dozens of protesters, primarily monks, with severe burn injuries.
Salingyi township administration’s director Zaw Moe Aung instructed the protesters to close the camps but failed to convince them to follow suit.
According to DVB sources on the ground, the Ministry of Home Affair’s deputy-director general and member of the Latpadaung Investigation Commission Tin Myint arrived at the camp on 16 December and stressed the need for the protesters to vacate the area.
“The Home Affair Ministry’s deputy-director and Investigation Commission member U Tin Myint told the protesters to shut down the camps, but the camps’ committee told him they will remain until the Latpadaung Copper Mining Project is fully suspended,” said a source who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
“We will not let our trees and farmland we’ve cultivated fall into the hands of Wenbao and U-Paing. We will protect them with our lives,” said Aung Myint Thein, who witnessed last month’s crackdown first hand.
There are at least 800 protesters, mostly women, and about 20 monks currently at the two camps.In the wake of last month’s crackdowns, demonstrations have been held across the country, which prompted officials to deliver an official apology to the affected monks earlier this month.
However, police officers have continued to arrest activists for protesting without permits.
Yesterday, activist Htin Kyaw was charged under Article-18 of the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law for staging a solo protest without formal permission in Rangoon following the police’s crackdown on Latpadaung protest camps last month.
Htin Kyaw, who is well known for protesting against rising commodity prices in 2007 prior to mass monk-led demonstrations, said he refused to sign a paper acknowledging the charges that were being pressed against him. The activists said he also plans to travel to Mandalay to hold more solo protests.
On 12 December, local activists established two new protest sites after local police launched a pre-dawn assault on the former camps in late November, which left dozens of protesters, primarily monks, with severe burn injuries.
Salingyi township administration’s director Zaw Moe Aung instructed the protesters to close the camps but failed to convince them to follow suit.
According to DVB sources on the ground, the Ministry of Home Affair’s deputy-director general and member of the Latpadaung Investigation Commission Tin Myint arrived at the camp on 16 December and stressed the need for the protesters to vacate the area.
“The Home Affair Ministry’s deputy-director and Investigation Commission member U Tin Myint told the protesters to shut down the camps, but the camps’ committee told him they will remain until the Latpadaung Copper Mining Project is fully suspended,” said a source who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
“We will not let our trees and farmland we’ve cultivated fall into the hands of Wenbao and U-Paing. We will protect them with our lives,” said Aung Myint Thein, who witnessed last month’s crackdown first hand.
There are at least 800 protesters, mostly women, and about 20 monks currently at the two camps.In the wake of last month’s crackdowns, demonstrations have been held across the country, which prompted officials to deliver an official apology to the affected monks earlier this month.
However, police officers have continued to arrest activists for protesting without permits.
Yesterday, activist Htin Kyaw was charged under Article-18 of the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law for staging a solo protest without formal permission in Rangoon following the police’s crackdown on Latpadaung protest camps last month.
Htin Kyaw, who is well known for protesting against rising commodity prices in 2007 prior to mass monk-led demonstrations, said he refused to sign a paper acknowledging the charges that were being pressed against him. The activists said he also plans to travel to Mandalay to hold more solo protests.
The prtesters could not expect any help from ASSK as she already discouraged the demonstration a few weeks ago.
She even asked: Why people were demonstrating?
Moreover, she advised the copper project to be continued.
Monks ,students and people should join the prtesters before it is too late.
Please help us–Le Di Sayar daw Pha Ya!
Our poor protestes were soon to be attacked by Junta.
She sneaked into 8888 popular general democratic demonstration by promising to change Military rule from the soil of Burma.
Now the same lady starts talking in favor of Military rule and against the democratic demonstration. The democratic loving people widely understood her hidden policy against the public interest .
She is a heartless lady. Her silence to Arakan ,Kachin and recent brutal crack dawn of Copper strike proved that she is an ICON of Militarism and dictatorial rule.
We fully support every movement for the well being of the people and against Military democracy.
Keep fight till victory.
Let Daw Suu enjoy in Naypyidaw.