Maungdaw south is burning again after Just after Obama departure.It used to happen after UN Human Rights Quintana depart from Burma. Thien Sein gained a lot from Obama to conduct this new burning and shooting Rohingya again. The racist Dr.Aye Maung group also disappointed of Obama's usage regarding genocide on Rohingyas. Now Rohingyas' are facing new attacks.
The only option for Rohingya is UN PEACE KEEPING FORCES.
Every Rohingya must understand that. It is genocide.
It need to solve through internationally.
Please come forward to stage demonstration and internationally lobby for UN Peace Keeping Forces.
Please request Obama and head of the state of the world to convene UN security council meeting regarding deployment of UN PEACE KEEPING FORCES IN ARAKAN.
LIP SERVICES can't solve Rohingya's problem.

This is GENOCIDE.The Rohingya must understand it.We used to have it in 1942.
Please read at-
What is happening in Arakan after Obama departure.

Best Regards,
Maung Kyaw Nu,
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