Wednesday, 4 September, 2013 -
Muslim Buddhist tensions in South Asia
Ashis Biswas
Muslim-Buddhist tensions in South Asia are emerging as a new
destablising factor in the regional as well as domestic security
scenarios of India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
It is not as though distrust between
large Muslim and Buddhist populations in these countries originates from
the recent attacks on Rohingya Muslims in the resource-rich Rakhine
province of Myanmar. But the controversial ethnic status of the
Rohingyas and the communal violence surrounding it, have exacerbated old
simmering tensions between the two communities.
India’s case is unique in that it is
caught in a crossfire between two hostile communities. By rights, all
issues relating to the Rohingyas and their settlement should have been
discussed between Myanmar and Bangladesh. In the absence of minimal
agreement between these two Asian neighbours, the international
community should have stepped in. Normally, India should have had
nothing to do with this business.
Unfortunately, that is not what has
happened. In the aftermath of the recent serial explosions in the Bodh
Gaya religious site, Buddhists in India are feeling jittery. According
to media reports from India’s northeast, home to nearly 15,00,000
Buddhists, there is acute concern within the community over the safety
and security of their monasteries and holy sites.
A delegation of Buddhists leaders has
already made representations to the governors of some NE states,
outlining their anxiety after the Bodh Gaya serial explosions. They have
drawn the attention of President Pranab Mukherjee as well. Such sites
in the NE states alone number some 5000, not counting others in Bihar,
West Bengal and Orissa. Buddhists have organised rallies in Tripura and
Arunachal Pradesh in recent times.
In Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam,
there are significant settlements of Chakma tribal Buddhists who were
driven out of their native Chittagong hill tracts region by settler
Bengali Muslims. Following an accord in 1997 with Bangla authorities,
some returned to Bangladesh. However, complaints persist about their
treatment. Before crossing over into India, they had been engaged in a
civil war against the settlers and the Bangladesh administration. The
situation has somewhat improved during the rule of the Awami League, but
tribal leaders allege that official promises assuring regional autonomy
for the tribals, their ways and customs have not been fulfilled. There
is no serious effort to solve problems of land allotment, rehabilitation
and settlement.
Some Rohingyas are known to have made
their way illegally into India already. The Government of India has so
far refrained from commenting on the problem of the Rohingyas, but that
has not apparently insulated it effectively enough from getting involved
into unnecessary diplomatic complications. A congregation of some 3000
displaced Rohingyas, organised with help from some academics of Jamia
Millia University in Delhi some days ago, gave rise to questions about
India’s security measures. Rohingya stragglers were rounded up from
Barasat in West Bengal. These incidents indicated that within India,
there were certain organisations helping Muslim escapees from Myanmar
enter India. Asked about the numbers of such people, Kolkata-based
intelligence sources admitted they had no idea!
In Sri Lanka, where over 75 per cent
people are Buddhists, Muslim shops and establishments have been attacked
in recent times, as reports of the vandalising of Buddhist religious
sites in Chittagong and elsewhere became public knowledge. As with
native Burmese, the Sinhalese complain that the Muslims do not practice
birth control. Over time, they begin to exercise an undeclared area
domination, threatening local people and culture. Some time ago the
Muslim Deputy Mayor of Colombo, Mr, Azard Sally, was arrested for
allegedly making “communal” remarks and later released. Muslims allege
that they constitute only 9% of the population, yet they are subject to
much public anger and distrust, especially after the communal violence
in Myanmar. The administration does not help.
Their relations with the predominantly
Hindu-dominated Tamil Tigers was hardly cordial either. Some years ago
from Jaffna, over 75,000 Muslims were forced to quit their homes bag and
baggage, under threats from the LTTE. While the Tamil Eelam struggle
has been defeated, many Muslims have not yet returned to Jaffna.
Tension between Bangladesh and Myanmar
over the status of Rohingyas in the Rakhine province and the acutely
hostile anti-Muslim stand taken by the Buddhist-dominated administration
is common knowledge. Almost 80 per cent of the Burmese are Buddhists,
the rest being members of 135 ethnic tribal groups like Kachins, Shans,
Chins and others. The Rohingyas, taken to Burma by the British for
settlement from undivided Bengal, are not officially recognized among
local ethnic groups. This robs them of their civil rights as citizens,
although some generations of Rohingyas have been born in Myanmar.
Bangladesh authorities point out that
they have already accommodated nearly 250,000 Rohingyas who fled from
Myanmar during earlier spells of violence. The country has neither the
space nor physical resources to provide for more. Help from the
international community has dried up. The extreme reluctance of the
Myanmar authorities to address the question of the return and
resettlement of the displaced people does not help either.
Recent global trends in renewed Islamic
assertion, fuelled and fed by “social welfare” and “charitable”
organisations based in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other countries
have further complicated the case of the Rohingyas. A section within
the community have developed terror links, having trained and fought in
Pakistan, Afghanistan, against Soviet troops and participated in attacks
in neighbouring countries. There have been muted demands within the
resource-rich Rakhine province for an autonomous political status, which
has not gone down well with an already suspicious and hostile Myanmar
Even as the international community
gropes for a solution to the intractable issues concerning the
Rohingyas, India cannot afford to lower its guard concerning its
domestic communal harmony and security. (IPA)
Monday, 2 September, 2013
Rohingyas are the indigenous people of Arakan. They have thousands years of history.As author says,it's not true that Britishers brought the Rohingyas from greater India to Arakan. The Author is sincerely advised to study history before British invaded India .
This is also true that a large quantity of Indian Hindu and Muslim Scholars ,service men and ordinary labors entered Burma during British periods. Most of them went back to their original home and some settled in Burma. Rohingyas are not among them .
Rohingyas become political tool not only in their own home but in South and South East Asia also. To grab our resourceful land ,the present authority started genocide against the peace loving Rohingyas. It's ethnic cleansing . The present regime of Burma master-mined it. It's now spreading in to neighboring countries .This become as if Buddhist Muslim tention in the world. The dictator regime has to take full responsibility of instability in Asia.
The radicalization in Asia is exported by Burmese guards. We,the a small moderate
Maung Kyaw Nu,
Burmese Rohingya Association in Thailand.
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